Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Train Whistles Sign of Recovery

I heard the train whistles blaring at 8:00 this morning. Train whistles mean. . . Movement. Progress. Economic Activity.

The Genesee & Wyoming's Ohio Central Railroad was moving freight cars to head south on the Panhandle's branch line toward Hebron. A CSX-labeled locomotive was starting the slow backward push of cars when I heard the whistle. The Port Authority security cameras captured the scene.

We've seen steel, aluminum, and plastic coming through more often these days. It seems the whistles are more frequent.

Someone has to make the product that is on those frieght cars. Someone has to use it where its received, here locally, to make something else. Someone's moving it from there to here and then back out.

Those someones are people with jobs.

I'll take it as another anecdotal sign of recovery.

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